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These 5 details show how vinyl flooring can be the BEST option for your home

 Vinyl flooring is one of the main alternatives available to finish your home when building or renovating. It is an option that stands out for combining beauty, functionality and excellent value for money.

Here are five details that show that vinyl flooring can be the best investment for your home. Check them out and find out everything you need to know about this coating!

What is vinyl flooring?

These 5 details show how vinyl flooring can be the BEST option for your home

It is a floor made of PVC mixed with other elements, such as mineral fillers, plasticizers, additives and pigments. Depending on the amount of materials used, the floor can have a specific characteristic.

When the vinyl floor has a greater amount of mineral filler in its composition, it is lighter, but less mechanically resistant. In practice, this means that it is more susceptible to risks and should not be used in areas with a large circulation of people.

Therefore, it is very important to keep an eye on the composition of the vinyl floor, as well as to check what the manufacturer's indications for use are, to make the right purchase and application of the coating.

Where to use vinyl flooring?

gray vinyl flooring

The vinyl floor is very versatile and can be used in the living room , dining room, bedroom, hallways and kitchen. Its application in the bathroom is not recommended, as bath water or the humidity in the area can lead to the detachment of the plates in a short time, requiring frequent maintenance.

Furthermore, its use is not recommended in external areas, such as backyards, gardens and leisure spaces with swimming pools. In these cases, there is a greater chance of damage to the coating, irreversibly compromising its beauty.

5 details about vinyl flooring

living room with vinyl flooring

Are you in doubt whether to buy vinyl flooring for your home? To help you with this choice, we have listed five details that prove that this coating can be a good alternative. Check out what they are:

1. Quick installation

Works and reforms tend to be laborious and time-consuming, in addition to generating a lot of dirt. However, the vinyl floor has a differential: it allows a quick and clean installation.

This is possible because the coating can be glued or installed on materials such as ceramics and porcelain, without requiring breakage for application. However, it is important that the original coating is well leveled, with adhered boards.

Even if the installation is quick and simple, it is very important that the work is done by a professional, to guarantee the best result and reduce the possibility of material loss.

2 Ease of cleaning

This type of floor stands out for having uncomplicated cleaning, done in a few minutes. You can pass a vacuum cleaner on it and then just finish cleaning with a damp cloth in soapy water or cleaner.

Finish the cleaning process by drying the floor with a clean, lint-free cloth. Remember not to use solvents, powdered soap and petroleum derivatives, as they can damage the floor, causing stains, scratches and corrosion.

vinyl floor

3. Acoustic insulation and thermal comfort

The vinyl floor promotes better insulation and acoustic comfort, absorbing the sound emitted when walking. In addition, it blocks part of the external sound, especially when you live in an apartment.

You can use it in the living room and bedroom to obtain this result, contributing to a more peaceful environment, with less noise and interruptions due to external sounds.

The coating also provides thermal comfort to the environment. This happens because the vinyl floor is athermal, therefore, it is not influenced by the outside temperature. So you can walk barefoot on it even on colder days., about Hardwood refinishing  in St augustine Beach 

4. Beauty

The vinyl floor complements the decor with much more beauty and charm. It imitates wood and there are alternatives on the market with high definition prints, guaranteeing a charming result. Therefore, they are perfect for making the area more beautiful without having to put in a lot of effort.

brown vinyl flooring

5. Excellent value for money

Coating also stands out for being excellent value for money, especially compared to other types of flooring.

In addition to the material being cheaper, it does not require major renovations for installation, which helps to save even more. Therefore, it is a perfect buying tip to transform your home without spending too much.


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